I am not a video gamer. However, I played a lot of casual video games through the years, but irregularly unlike the real avid video gamers. The video games I play(ed) are mostly mobile ones through my phone apps. I will get back to this in a little while, but first I want to introduce quickly my early experience with video games when I was a teenager.
Back to the time, I had several one-player personal boxes, the kind one could bring everywhere and place in their pocket. My Dad had purchased and offered them to me. They were very light-weight and each contained a few distinct games. I actually remember I had four of those.
My beige unit was more sophisticated, in a rectangular shape. The multiple games were essentially drops of water or so that you had to catch.. and you had to go very quick. There were several games around the same topic. I just loved playing them.
There were those two others, exact same looking from the outside, but their color differed, since one was a medium blue and the other one a medium pink. At the moment I am writing this, I am unsure what the blue game theme was about. However, the pink device had games related with rescuing a princess.
Then, the games with penguins were on the smallest version of those four game units, and this one had a red cover.
My son, when he was younger, got the idea to disassembly my blue one…
I also played video games on those huge electronic boxes the size of a jukebox, yes, you know those arcade machines. I utilized them mostly while at a ski resort where my Parents had reserved our winter vacation. If you have read the article concerning my Dad, so this is the same location I was mentioning then.
We have a PlayStation 4 Slim at home, and I played extremely few on it. My son, AvatarKage, is the video gamer. I purchased this unit before his 14th birthday, and he was unaware of my acquisition until his special day. I only informed him in advance something would be introduced on his celebration. No, it was not a birthday gift. Frankly, giving expensive presents to a teen is not in my conception.This console was bought essentially for his use though. I had chosen the Minecraft version since he was really into it and still is today. He is digitally creating and selling whatever you order to him. You can see his portfolio on his website www.avatarkage.com. So far, his customers are enchanted by his professionalism. I shopped for the PS4 before I switched to a lifestyle where I avoid the most possible consumerism, but obtain what is really needed.
I am coming back to where I left earlier with the mobile apps. The specific ones I have used, and still do, are supposed to be paying you for playing games on their app or platform, but the amount paid is so ridiculously small most of the time compared to the time dedicated to reach the threshold, since a majority of them has one set. And, if they are compensating you for your time and efforts on their app(s), since I got the bad experience to be playing games that were never paid to me, and others that were unable to reach the minimum to cash out. In the beginning, it was real easy to make money, but since it could not be cashed out until a certain amount, and the closest you approached this amount, the less and less money was possible to be earned until not even a penny was accessible. I am not the only one that got this result, but it’s the “normality”. If they have a good customer service team, so you can get back the missing points or money due to you upon screenshot proofs. However, how many apps of this kind have support? Actually, I stopped altogether to use casual video games on single apps, instead I play on platforms, because there is a much higher chance for me to get paid. You need to choose the right apps or platforms. Reading the reviews might be the best to do.
I personally avoid the new apps with an early access, because nobody has been able to leave a review yet, thus you don’t know what to expect concerning the payment. I only play games on my Smartphone to make extra money, so yes, for me it is one of the main concerns (with my privacy) when choosing a platform or when I did before for a single-game app. My experience with those apps so far was very negative. I have never been paid with any of the early access apps. The ones I used asked you to sign every day for not losing your supposed initiated payment via PayPal. All they wanted, in my case, was to get a large amount of ads watched, which gave them money. The payment was never there, but an eternal “in process” or “processing” as status.
Some platforms will pay you directly through PayPal and others in gift cards. Some apps do not have enough gift cards available, even if they are advertised, thus you don’t get paid. You also get the rewards in the form of cryptocurrency or purchase from a list of goods pre-selected. A few of them let you donate your money.
Other apps may give you a discount of the points to attain. Let’s say that 1K points equal $1.00, well maybe 4.9K points would make $5.00. That could be a better deal, but some app owners remove this offer at times when you have spent that much time saving them. Waiting that long to cash out in any kind of payment could also be risky. The app could stop working, or if you switched phones, since often this is not supported and you could lose access to your account unless you are using your old device. Plenty of apps don’t require an email or phone number to sign in. And what if you keep all those points for after, but it’s one of those apps that don’t pay?!?
This is also the main reason I switched to game platforms, because even if the amount of the reward is very little, in most cases, they pay once the threshold has been reached unlike the single-game apps I downloaded before, but do not any longer.
When I started with those casual games, it was not yet that way, however now, plenty of apps are requiring for an evidence of the player is a human and not a bot. Even clicking you are not a robot is usually no longer sufficient. To verify you are a person, the apps may require a driver license or a photo ID additionally to a selfie their app is taking upon your authorization. Some apps want your address as well, which they could find on the official document (unless the player would have moved and not yet updated their card).
If you refuse to take this step, your money or gift card cannot be cashed out. Of course, apps have normally regular updates to fix their bugs or other issues, and you might have joined an app not asking for any proof of you being a human being. Nevertheless, their next update might make it compulsory. It occurred with one platform I used. It is always better to preliminary read their terms of privacy policy and use of your personal information. Also, check by yourself if the independent company that is going to process your private information (photo, address, ID, or whatever that is required, since it varies from an app to another) is legitimate. I seek their authenticity online through distinct searches for making sure prior to share any personal information.
You might altogether really want to read what information the developer is collecting and for how long this data is retained, then what are the reasons to do so, and looking for whether or not you may ask for your personal info to be erased. All should be written within their app, prior you decide to download it. You should check for some contact information, usually an email, where you could contact the digital creator with specific questions – not included in their disclosure – you may have, but of course, only relevant to your potential utilization of their app.
In general, what I don’t like with video games, it’s many games are requiring certain quests I don’t wish to complete because they don’t comply with my lifestyle, without a choice to opt out, so I quit the game, even if I used to enjoy it before. Once I stepped away from a game, I am done with it. As a lot of people know now, I am an ethical vegan since the second part of November 1996. For instance, in the game, I already enabled many levels, then suddenly the game requires you to put a bird in a cage, or to kill another species. At this point, I do not see why I should follow to play a game that is contrary to the way I am living my life.
Some people told me they follow the instructions in a game, but it is only remotely, since in real life, they would not do it. They explained the games offer more features if all the quests are finished. They are sure to add that they can distinct what is asked in a game, and won’t modify their attitude in their actual life. They mark a point. Nevertheless, they could contact the developer for a choice to skip those steps without to lose the other features. Pursuing the game would be the exact same for me to support an idea that in contradiction with my values. Now, why to do something a game developer wishes you to do, if it is conflicting with your opinions? Personally, I stay away from those games that finally do not bring me anything fun, because my ethic is important at any moment of my daily life.
Adults can make the difference between fiction and real life, most older kids can do too, but what about the negative influence on some other children? You could tell me a grown person could inform the child before to play that it is just “okay” for fake, but not to reproduce this or that action in real life. And why to teach certain behaviors for a young mind to accomplish, just to advise them not to copy this attitude? I would never advise a child to execute an imaginary action that is unethical towards other species, especially being aware than sooner or later this same kid growing up could reproduce it in real life. I believe in teaching another individual of this age the moral elements at any time. There should be a line not to cross, no matter it is just playtime on a console, a PC, a tablet, a phone, or so. I am thinking about the logic behind the game. A child repeatedly deciding on performing some pursuits in games might develop it in the physical world, and this is my concern. Playing video games should be fun time, and honestly, killing or encaging another species is not fun in reality for many of us, and should not be in video games. Killing or taking the freedom of another being is wrong. Would anyone create a video game for kids were stealing, killing other humans, raping, torturing be quests? Of course not. And why not? Because if would be very bad and unprincipled to do something like that. So why to make games that are against the non-humans? Of course, many would comment that not everyone is vegan. If it was, the world would sure be a fairer place to live for any other species.
I heard of vegan-friendly video games after I made researches to see if, by chance, they could exist. We are told by the non-vegans that we, the vegans, are imposing our beliefs on others. Oh really? Just going to the grocery store or shopping for shoes shows this world
is promulgating on its own and normalizing the indifference towards the voiceless’ suffering and slaughtering. All we ask is to stop paying for the abuses and killing of other species, while alternatives are widely available most everywhere nowadays. Let’s rethink when we were little kids. If we were given the choice between kissing another species or harming them, most of us would have chosen to give love to this non-human by petting, observing, kissing, playing with them, even maybe sharing our own food with. So, what happened to so many of us growing up? How it became fine to let torture innocent beings (such as paying to go to see bullfighting) instead of protecting them? Is not the stronger supposed to keep safe the ones not able to protect themselves (like in the food industry)? It is something to meditate on. If you have a pet at home you love or you lost one, could you mentally see them substituting any of the innocent non-human beings deprived of freedom or/& being slaughtered? Of course, not. First of all, you love your pet, but if you reflect deeper on the question, only their physical appearance and size differ, but inside they are all the same, able to love, to interact, to feel fear and pain. I have the conviction it is a duty to keep from harm the non-humans, no matter they are our pets living with us or they are other species forced into the diverse industries that take advantage of them.
Honestly, I enjoy both, playing video games that are slow to progress as well as the other kinds that move fast to the next level. When it comes to the slow video games, like for instance, building a village, a city, erecting houses, farms, banks, schools, hospitals, post offices, garages, and other structures, it is okay for me to get them up, especially if I can choose among different ones. Same, if it is a process of installing pieces of furniture, the most I can use distinct options, the best it is for me. When harvesting after waiting the trees or plants to grow from seeds same it may take a while depending on what games you are playing on. That part is all good. This said, I would abandon any games if (or when) I would be required to exploit cows, pigs, hens, or anyone else despite the fact it would be in a fictional way. I like to collect fruits, vegetables, and nuts while I refuse to get milk, meat, eggs, and so forth.
There are other games that are fast moving, but if is requiring at some point fishing. No way for me.
I skip ads of video games where the main point of the different games are either fishing or hunting. What for? I am totally opposed to this kind of games.
Now, wait a minute… Would those games be made for people liking to fish or to hunt?
Maybe all the contrary, some could say since it could help someone killing them in real life to stop, since they have the games, and honestly I would not believe that.
There are other solutions to stop fishing or hunting. The very first one would be to ask oneself if we would trade place with the one going to be fished or hunted. If our answer is negative, so one should refrain proceeding it.
I believe all of that behind the games are money-making before all. Obviously, we all need to earn our life. There is nothing faulty in this. Still, would it be even nicer to make money on topics that are fair to each and everyone, regardless of the species? Isn’t it developing a much greater feeling when the right way is taking over the wrong one?
Another point, some video games can have the music and other sounds disabled, which is valuable if one wants to listen to their own radio or streaming. Some music from the games are really bothering me, and if I cannot find an option to stop the music, I would most likely stay very shortly on that game, then never come back to it. Of course, I could shut down the sound of my Smartphone for not being forced to listen to what I don’t feel like, but at that point, if the game itself cannot offer this option, I just would quit.
I attempted to make a bit more money with game offers they have on a limited time. You get a certain amount of days to complete their full offer. The ones I tried were paying upon finishing the levels indicated, one by one. If you wanted to follow to the next required steps, it means more levels, you could without to lose the money already earned. For each task they show, it is the point I needed to achieve to be rewarded. For instance task 1 for them would mean to have played entirely the game to level 5 or whatever else number specified prior to the payment would be added to my account in the app. The other couple offers or so I tried before did not work for me, but those new ones very lately, yes. Oh, it is not going to make someone becoming rich, but it sure paid me much more than playing the regular games available on their platforms. Now, there is a possibility you cannot reach the finished levels, and that is how people start paying for continuing to play. If your points are not sufficient, of course, the game is over, unless the app gives daily points for opening it. When it happens to me, I close the app until next day I know I will get more points to pursue with the same game without to have to pay anything for that. I play with moderation. I never paid anything for completing an offer. I am trying to make money, not to pay them to make some!!! Already, watching adds included in the games brings them revenue. I am not beginning another level, since some of them are very long, unless I estimate I could do it with the time frame left on this offer. I have no interest or intention of wasting my time in vain.
In conclusion, if I had more time, yes, I would appreciate playing some more video games, once in-a-while, nothing addictive. Better, I would prefer to watch a movie or relax with my dog listening to music. I feel that I am working enough on a screen for my YouTube videos and else without to spend too much additional time stuck on an electronic screen though.
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