March 14, 2025

Website Disclaimer


YouTube Channel = “Amber-Scarlett Paris”

My website is a blog with videos, and reviews. It may change at any moment, and I reserve this right to myself, since I am the sole owner of it. It could be either that I will modify its topics, sell my site, shut it down, change its terms of use from a free site to a paying site, etc..

I was born in Paris, France, and it is possible for me to use the wrong terms from time to time. I have done this for many years now, so I get some unexpected experience with unvoluntary choosing the uncorrect word. It is my specialty in life, messing up badly unintentionally with some words, especially some pronunciation or how I say them. Oops! Yes, even if I am living in the United States for so long, I am still learning new words here and there, and sometimes I am totally out of the context with how I use them. Please, if it happens, do not take it personally, and in no way it would have been intentional. I am an empath, so I care for others, anyone, and would not try to harm, humiliate, etc., anybody in purposes.
You may laugh, but I do not live anymore in Paris for so long, that even my French is hesitating for some words or expressions at times. From this only, and because I may make mistakes from time to time, please, do NOT take all the information of my blog as granted, since I cannot guarantee its accuracy at 100%.

My site, my views will NEVER be racist. I am an antispeciesist. I am a very long time vegan, so I am supporting veganism.

If you are under the age of thirteen, please, do not stay on my site. It is not for you. Thanks!

I cannot be liable for the statements written on my website. They express my own experiences or/& personal views that fit my sole life.
My website is a blog. There is no legal, medical, or any other professionnal advices from any professions found in my blog. If you need this kind of expertise, please, consult those people with jobs that are there for helping you.
My opinions are entitled to me. You need to use your own jugement, and to make your individual researches. If after that, you still want to follow to do things I stated in my blog, this is at your own risk. I cannot be held responsible for the choices you are taking for yourself. I appreciate your visit(s) to my site though. Thank you!

My opinions are mine only, and have nothing to do with any affiliated or advertising companies, organizations, and so forth that you could find on my page. Same, any ads on my blog are not linked to me directly. I am unable to choose which ads are broadcasted. The views in the ads, the products advertised are totally independent of my site, my opinions, and myself. The affiliation programs are separated from my site as well. I use them on my site to show some products, but I cannot be responsible if an item does not fit you, is not like you wished it could have been, causes any kind of problems for you. I am not inside the items myself. For any purchases you may make from any affiliate programs, I am only suggesting the products, but I cannot be responsible for any harm caused by any products, any defective or lost items. That is not my field, not my products, or my companies. I may show in my reviews and suggested products what worked/work for me, and it includes my own life only, not anyone else’s existence.

As I am not perfect, as you understood, it is possible that my website content may be with some errors, forgotten points, and so forth.

My website is linked to Google Analytics, if you do not accept what is in my Privacy Policy, please, do not stay on my site. Thanks! You may want to visit Google’s website to check all it is collecting, which they do, but I do not personally (besides the email addresses to send you my posted content, only if you signed up for this).

My blog is mine, and completely written by me. Please, do NOT copy, reproduce my work. Any of my personal photos or pictures (that I own, representing anyone or anything) cannot be reproduced.You will need my written permission for reproducing anything belonging to my website, me as the owner of those copyrighted contents. Concerning the images I found free online, you will see they are not mine by the note I would have entered (could be an user number, username, name, etc.).

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