Lately, you might have read my precedent blog entry titled Home School. I was relating my own experience as a mother teaching my son through his school years from preschool to high school included.
After I published it, some content I omitted to mention came to my mind. I am adding them in this article.
Home schooling my son all alone was a challenge. There were people against this idea. It was very clear for them that I was “playing with his destiny”, because of my willingness to take care of his education. I have been accused of ruining for him his chances to get a descent job in the future. Imagine, in the first place, a foreign-born mother deciding on home schooling her son in her second language, of course, it raised concerns to some others.
Sure, I took in consideration all the diverse inputs linked with how others were seeing the whole situation. It still did not affect my decision on pursuing home schooling. I did not know for sure how I would make it all by myself to his higher grades though, but I managed. With all the critics towards my choices, it felt heavier at times, because I already had my own apprehension of being unable to succeed, and the others accentuated that. Was I really taken the right path? Often, I wondered if my manner to teach him the classes was adequate. It was a heavy responsibility on my shoulders that is relieved now. It was complicated enough without to receive the unasked opinions of people. Despite that, in my heart, it felt right to advance with giving him my lessons.
Anyway, I usually always follow whatever I conclude to implement. The contrary for discontinuing would merely impose itself if I was in the incapability of continuing.
I am the first one who always explained to my son the extreme importance of learning the most possible to have the ability to obtain a job he would enjoy when it would be time to make his own living. I do not remember I emphasized on the amount of the paycheck. I believe happiness in life is primordial, more than becoming rich. I never raised my offspring to be an opulent person, however to reach happiness in any fields of his life, that it touches his personal or professional life. I will come back later on this idea.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew he would have – at some point – to be independent, earning enough to pay for all his expenses, still one can arrive to this result being paid moderately.
In his case, he aimed his career to come in the artistic field. I regarded he could make it with some extra income (within or) outside of the profession he desired to stick to, without to have to leave his artistic dreams behind. I actually warned my son how hard could be an artistic life, but if it was what he wished to do, I was all with him in it. I expressed that if it became too difficult, he could follow his artwork on the side while temporary having a job in a complete different business that could help him financially with pursuing his ambitions.
Remember I was to elaborate on my thought concerning happiness versus wealth? Well, here we go. Does opulence automatically bring happiness? Absolutely not. I have known in my life people with a lot of money, and they were not as happy as plenty of people would believe. If a person can fulfill their dream job, already it could mean a big step into their own happiness. Still a professional occupation is only one part of our life.
My son wanted to work remotely. I was told it was because I home schooled him. Yes, it could be a reasonable thought. However, not everyone who have been schooled in the public or private school system desires an employment outside the house. I have known this type of people who actually were looking for a way to get a job at home (and it was many years before Covid-19 started). Some individuals feel more comfortable working in team or in an office, while others prefer the comfort of their home, and being alone. I worked in both environments, with a team on site (like in Parisian public and private schools) and at other places, but I largely prefer working by myself from home as a self-employed woman. Although, I won’t deny it, when working for the French schools, I really enjoyed being around all those children. I was not only with other members, occasionally, I had the full responsibility of those little kids.
In my previous post, do you recall the passage where I commented my son going directly to his toys after his class day was dismissed? Well, naturally, he grew up through the years he learned at home. Becoming a young teenager, besides being occupied during his free time with anything he was up to, he also started learning on his own whatever would help him to develop the skills for his art plans. He spent a lot of time and dedication on them for years during his evenings, weekends, or/& holidays. This concludes his years staying home for the attainment of his academic lessons also served another purpose, the one to get more available time to expand the arts techniques he is using now. That is finally another positive aspect of elective home education. Of course, when his compulsory years of studying as a home schooler were over, he got more time to focus on preparing his future position.
At this time, my son is still a young adult living with me. He is 20 years old, but approaching closer to his 21st-to-be. His line of work is one of the diverse he wanted to do, and from home. During his spare time, he continues with all his creative projects that are parts of the rest of his current and upcoming self-employment.
Are you recollecting that in my past vlog, I was talking about my son was learning at his own pace, that my home schooling method evolved through the years, and that I enjoyed the freedom in the extra choices of topics? I always encouraged his creativity. I prefer the unique to the usual, and pushed him to think on his own. At school, there are a lot of other pupils, so there is a competitivity somehow. At home, I recreated a bit this perspective in learning new things with him then getting a contest between us both to see who would memorize the most. They were brand new words in another foreign language, for instance. It kept the two of us with some challenge.
So now, let me introduce who is my son AvatarKage through his website.
So now, going through his resume, you will understand why he has so many years of experience in certain specialties, because he began when he was a teen, sometimes even earlier
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