Image by plukdedag64
Black Magic
Halloween Season
*Note that you either can read the text by yourself, listen to it in this video, or follow the text while I’m reading it to you.
You can watch my (same) video from any of these three channels =
I personally do not suggest to let cats unattended at all outside. As a vegan, I value equally the life of any non-human animals, pets or not. Keeping a cat indoors will prevent for your cat to be stolen or/& tortured, will avoid them to be in a collision with a motorized vehicle [possibly killing the passenger(s)], then it will ensure your cat does not destroy the life of little rodents and birds. Them too have an existence and a family, you know!!! I will write later on about the eventuality of your cat could be the victim of a car accident. This post will be in “Meet My Family” section. In the past, I have adopted a cat because of her difference.
If you usually let your cat(s) to go outside, please, think twice prior to open the door for them during the full month of October. With Halloween season coming, some people are waiting this time of the year with in mind some evil intention on harming your cat(s) pretty badly for some black magic. The black cats have a very bad reputation on bringing bad luck, which is untrue, since this has nothing to do with them. They are adorable creatures, and nobody should be hurting them. Anyway, I even do not believe in “bad luck” altogether, but in destiny and karma. Please, people, take extra precautions on protecting your cats in October, and not only the black cats, all of them. Certain people, I heard, torture any cats during this month (and some others may do it anytime of the calendar year as well). Maybe they cannot find black cats, thus they switch to any cats. It is horrible for any lives to be stolen, used, and harmed in purpose. And very wrong too!!!
Have all a safe Halloween!