The vegan ghost is returning this Halloween
Hello everyone,
I am the vegan ghost returning each October for preparing my full, but very short reappearance until November the 1st. I arrive on October the 1st, trying to get as much of proteins that I can eat to be able to stand up by myself until my Halloween tribute of October 31st. You know better why concerning the proteins, huh, supposedly vegans are deficient in proteins. They are thin people too, but extremely annoying on the go. They have to state everywhere, for any reasons that they are vegans. Well, I can do this irritating step only during the month of October. Humm… Oh, then why am I a ghost? I was not listening to others very well, and I followed to be a vegan, even when so many suggested me that it was not recommended, thus it resulted I passed away from my B12 deficiency besides all the other ones that, we, the vegans, are wrongly labelled with.
For people who would have not understood my multiple sarcasms, I want to express that I am not only advocating veganism during the month of October, but anytime I can…which is a lot… Oh, and yes, for the ghost having passed on, I am pretty much alive, unless it would be an automatic writing from my afterlife realm. Ouuuhhhh maybe… Use your own judgement… What do you think? Guess what, I am so much on protein deficiency that I am still able to think properly to typewrite this. Oh, and did I mention the worse yet??? Please, do not panick, stay calm, sit down, or leave the room if you are easily shocked. Are you ready to hear the truth? Yes?!? I think I heard someone saying yes. Where? Who said that? Okay, it’s you! Ouhhh, the truth is I have been a vegan since November 20th, 1996. Ouch!!! Yes!!! You hear and read it good, nope, no typo or mistake on the year!!! You can see my picture. Yes, it’s me!!! Yeah, sure, I had to wear my mask for not scaring anyone with my deceased appearance. Imagine, a vegan skeleton!!! Who wants to see a skeleton face… Oops, sure sure, a fake one for Halloween though…

Photo belonging to Amber-Scarlett Paris (from Jokeuse Lallumée & Clownyotant).